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Student Focus 

Originally a campus for alternative education, today’s Aspen Valley serves a wide of students. Most find accomplishment with a fresh start our close-knit peer community with small class sizes, adaptable schedules and one-on-one relationships with teachers, counselors and staff.  

Structured for Success 

Aspen Valley keeps a strict student-teacher ratio of 15 to one, with a campus maximum of 180. Coursework is focused into six-week segments (or hexters) to allow for critical, creative and complex thinking. Teachers and students build and track plans for success for predictability and consistency.

Essential Relationships 

Success at Aspen Valley is built on a triad between students, families and staff, all of whom are on a first-name basis. These connections, including mandatory workshops for family members, reinforces at home what’s learned on campus, while helping eliminate academic battles in both places.  

Start Sooner 

Applications for Aspen Valley are available to students in grades 8-12. While enrollment can take place any of those years, students experience the greatest hope and achieve more the longer their Aspen Valley education. Families with students in grade 6 are invited to lay the foundation.